About gash:
Gash is a trading card game loosely based on legends and monster movies, as well as a couple ideas we just thought were fun. Strategize around sacrifice.
Featured Decks
Smog Deck
Disgraced deck
Mana Junkie deck
Ancient deck
Smog Deck
Featuring the smog reaper, the smog deck is built around the bloodlust playstyle. sacrifice many cards for the power of a few.Â
Disgraced Deck
Featuring the disgraced saturnaut, the disgraced deck is built around the cosmic playstyle of using few main cards, but backing them up with others
Mana Junkie Deck
The mana junkie deck features the mana junkie wizard and is built for the mana playstyle. afflict your opponent with conditions rather than attack with everything you have.
Ancient Deck
The ancient deck features the ancient loop dragon, and uses the burnout playstyle. This involves killing so many of your own creatures to fuel others. Like, so many.