Game Rules
These are the rules for the gash trading card game
Gash Rules
How to Start
First decide who will go first. you could do this in a coin toss or something, I don't care how. Then, shuffle your deck and draw five cards to be your hand. Just remember you can’t attack on your first turn, and whoever goes first can't draw at the beginning of the first turn of the game.
How to Play
First in your turn, draw a card. If your opponent is nice and you forget, they might let you draw later in your turn, but otherwise its like... done already.
There are 2 kinds of playable cards: Creatures and items. Creatures are defined by their hp and dp stats, as well as a sigil. Items are defined by their lack of hp and dp stats.
There are three slots you can play your creature cards in. You must fill the center slot if you are playing a creature and if the center slot is empty. Creatures attack in rows, so if a creature is in your rightmost row, than it can not attack creatures in the left or center rows. YOu can play up to 2 creatures per turn.
Item cards can be played at any time during your turn and are discarded once they are used. You can play as many item cards as you want in a turn.
Abilities vary from creature to creature, and you can use each creature’s ability once per turn. Their ability does not count for their attack, so they can still attack.
When you attack, you end your turn, and All creatures who can attack do so. When your creature is attacked/attacks, you would subtract the DP of the attacking creature from HP of the attacked creature. If your creature’s hP is less than 1, discard it because it is dead. All your creatures attack other creatures or the opponent directly. After attacking, Tally up the remaining hp and then it’s your opponent’s turn.
How to Win
Each person has 20 hp for themselves. This is variable based on the difference in number of cards in each person’s deck (see deck building for more information). If the decks are level, then the hp for both players is 20.
When a creature attacks an empty row or does more damage to a creature than that creature has health, then your opponent takes damage. The damage taken is determined by how much dp is left after subtracting the victim card's hp.
When a player’s health reaches zero, they lose. So deal as much damage to your opponent as possible.
Sacrifices, Kills, & Discards
Sacrifices are cards you chose to kill either directly from your hand or from an active slot. They are usually involved in getting more power out of a card, but you could always just sacrifice one for no reason i guess. All cards can be sacrificed.
Discards and kills are when a creature dies because of an injury sustained during a fight. The discard pile is kept separate from the sacrifice pile. Used items are also discarded.
Mana isn't real. get over yourself.
Each sigil represents a class of creature. Only creature cards have sigils.
X: Neutral. Does not have a set theme, mostly forest critters or low-level wanderers.
Blood drop: Bloodborne. Monsters that thrive on sacrifice. Powerful, but at what cost?
Star: Cosmic. Tend to work as a team, but more reliant on planning ahead. Anything of alien origin.
Crystal: Magic. Pretentious, but practical. These Grandiose geriatrics think they invented magic, but they’re really just using sacrifice as a tool. Very reliant on other cards with the magic sigil.
Flame: Burnout. Extremely aggressive animals with immense potential. Burn through cards, excel in death.
Status Conditions
Addiction: Will slow you down to the point where you can only move/use 1 card in a turn (this includes items)
Shock: Only one slot card can use abilities or attack (for a turn)
Burn: Inflicts you with 1 dp directly every turn until healed.
Fever: Keeps you from drawing any cards for 2 turns
Cool: Makes you cool
Deck building
You can have between 10 and 30 cards per deck, but the amount of cards you have directly affects your health advantage. If you have less cards than your opponent, then your hp is raised by however many more cards they have than you. So if you have 10 cards and your opponent has 20, then you would have 10 more hp than them due to this rule.